Services & Prices
Step-by-Step Veterinary Physiotherapy operates in the UK, and can visit your horse in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Parts of Warwickshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Clients may also visit Sarah at her Leicestershire base.
Integrated Assessment (IA)
The Integrated Assessment includes:
Training Plan
Find out more about everything this includes on the Integrated Assessment and After Your Visit pages.
These visits last between 1-1.5 hours, and include reports & liaison with your vet.
Initial Visit: £80 standard or £100 with INDIBA
Follow Up Visits: £65 standard or £85 with INDIBA
Mini Treatment
Mini Treatments are available to clients seeing me at least every 6 months, and include:
A relaxing or invigorating pulsed electromagnetic field treatment to the back/neck
Or 2 hock/knee treatments.
OR INDIBA only, 2 areas.
These sessions last for 30 mins and include re-rugging/turnout. Owner/rider does not need to be present.
Mini Treatment Session: £40 PEMF £60 INDIBA
Zoom or Phone Consulatation
These consultations are available to current clients, or anyone requiring immediate advice regarding challenging behaviour.
They consist of a video call or phone call - your preference.
This service can be useful when it is either not possible or not necessary to re-visit in person after 4 weeks.
Zoom or Phone Consultation: £25

Mileage is charged for the round trip at £0.30 per mile, after the first 15 miles to/from LE15 7QA
Discounts & Package Deals Available
Bulk Buy Discount
Includes 3 Integrated Assessment Visits plus 2 Mini Treatments in a calendar year.
Worth £280!
Equine Performance Package
A tailor made package for your horse - perfect for competition horses.
This service can include regular 4-weekly visits, pre & post competition support at home or at events, and hire of equipment.
Please enquire
Multi Horse Discount
One owner with multiple horses being treated at the same time at the same location
10% off
Yard Booking Discounts
4 horses being treated at the same time at the same location. Visit organised by one individual (yard manager/one owner)
Available on request
Booking Terms & Conditions
Treatment times are confirmed once a deposit has been received.
Deposits are deducted only from a completed visit fee, and are non-refundable.
A request to re-schedule up to 7 days before the booked visit for any reason is absolutely fine, the deposit is carried forward and deducted from the balance on the new date.
Cancellation within 7 days of the visit may cause the deposit to be retained. A new booking will require a new deposit. Serious family emergencies or an ill horse will be treated as 3. above.
Deposits are taken at the following rates:
Integrated Assessment: Initial Visit - A deposit of £40 is due on booking, with the remaining balance payable on the day of the appointment.
Integrated Assessment: Follow Up Visit - A deposit of £30 is due on booking, with the remaining balance payable on the day of the appointment.
Mini Treatments - Are payable in full on booking.
Zoom and phone consultations - Are payable in full on booking.
Maintenance packages - A deposit of £50 is due on booking, and £20 per month for the next 10 months. We accept standing order only for packages. The first 2 dates to be booked in on payment of the deposit.
Multi-Horse/Yard Booking discounts can be applied to packages - these are applied to the balance on the day, and are only applied if the minimum applicable number of horses are presented for treatment on the day.
Mileage charges apply if you are more than 15 miles away (30 mile round trip) from LE15 7QA but may be shared if individual owners at the same location book together.
We accept cash, faster payment bank transfer or card by link.
Name on account: TSA (Oakham) Ltd, Sort code: 30-80-49, Account number: 28712568.
We are VAT registered and can provide a business receipt if you need one.
Step-by-Step Veterinary Physiotherapy is a division of TSA Oakham Ltd.